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Listen Live

Written by on October 19, 2020

WKZK’S purpose is to establish name awareness and build traffic for local organizations, ministries & businesses in our community.

IMPACT WKZK’s AUDIENCE: We will take advantage of our advertised products because we advertise wholesome products that are geared especially to the total concept of our Christian audience. This concept contributes to our dedicated listening base.

WKZK’s staff consists of dedicated individuals who are committed to the cause of spreading the “Good News” of the gospel.

Clean Content – You never have to worry about your commercial running adjacent to or within programming that has questionable content. WKZK is always safe for the entire family. Which would you rather have, numbers or customers? There are two ways to look at advertising. You can try to reach the largest possible audience without regard to who is in that audience or what type of consumers they are, or you can target your advertising to an audience that supports your business, has disposable income, and will respond to your advertising.

THE WKZK DIFFERENCE: Active Audience– WKZK listeners appreciate the family-friendly programming that we provide, and they are always willing to “vote” with their dollars for businesses that support a radio station that is safe and fun for everyone in the family.

Efficient Targeting – By reaching a quality audience that responds to your message, you get results for much less money than advertising on other stations, newspapers, and definitely TV. That means you can reach that valuable audience with even more frequency! To make your ad dollars work harder for you, contact WKZK right now! After all, why spend big bucks on big ratings when you can spend less and get customers in your door!

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